Earth conservation is happening in Nott's!
Also featuring is a logo I designed to support the cause (bottom left).
I was asked to design a logo for the Frack Free Sherwood group and their neigbouring Nottinghamshire districts.
I met with May Charissa Borroff from the 'Frack Free Sherwòod' public group. We discussed ideas to create a logo that feels openly positive, focusing on positive outcomes as apposed to the negative repercussions that fracking delivers.
I find it exciting that people are peacefully getting together to support positive change in this, our most precious, Planet Earth!
Heres a video of me with the lovely May Charissa Borroff.
May, and others, work hard in helping raise awareness of Fracking and to promote positive action for positive change!
If your interested in knowing more about this subject, or how it effects you? Etc: